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This is to calculate Interest based on Yearly or directly. You can give First date, Final date, Amount, Interest % per month, and need to select Yearly as Yes or No. Then The final amount will be shown.
In Tally, If you want to delete any Voucher, it will not come back, When deleting a Voucher, It will ask you to Delete to RecycleBin.Just go to RecycleBin , then Restore the Voucher.
You can see all the Addresses of Ledgers.You can get addresses by Group wise also
By adding this you will get Lines in Every report of Tally. It is very usefulto see reports after printing or in Tally.
Using this you can set Tasks and Holidays and any important events to rememberShare the stored events with other User in Multi User Environment. Very usefull for the all types of Tally Users.
We have changed some default colors of Tally.ERP.They are Payment, Sales, Purchase, Receipt Vouchers and background colors and the Menu Colors to look more beautiful