Features of Chillies Cold Storage :-
1. Voucherwise Purchase Report :- From this we can get Purchase Report based on Wanted Party. The wanted Party name also be displayed.
2. Closing Stock Report :-The Owner can purchase Chillies from Supplier for someone. But it is not based on Purchase Order.So it allows to enter the wanted party in Entry and kept in Godown.So we can get the Closing Qty of selected Godown based on that Party.
3. Party wise Report :-We can get this based on Wanted party and selected Godown.
4. Godown Report :-Same like above we can get Godown report based on wanted Party name and Gunnies value and Item value seperatly.
5. Group wise and Factory wise Sales Report :-Same like in report 4, you can get the report by Group wise and factory wise and also with Total for each Group and Factory.
6. And much more.....
See working Video in YouTube